What’s the impact of solar farms on Virginia land?

Solar has been getting a lot of attention in the past couple years and counties across Virginia have been passing stringent regulations on new solar developments. This week we spoke with Dr. Lee Daniels, Professor Emeritus of Land Rehabilitation and Dr. Ryan D. Stewart, Professor of Soil Physics & Hydrology, both at Virginia Tech about the effects of solar farms on the land and soil. And in the second half of the episode, Nathan Moore is back to talk about some other solar farm considerations.  

Read the white paper: Soil-Site Management Protocols & Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Utility Scale Solar Site (USS) Development and Management in Virginia 


WTJU Radio

WTJU is a non-commercial radio station founded in 1955 focused on airing music from across genres (Folk&World, Jazz&Blues, Classical, Rock) and curated by local music lovers.


How are Virginia Roads Built and Maintained?


Why isn’t the VA minimum wage increasing in 2024?