Episode 42: How are weak campaign finance laws damaging Virginia? (reprise)

“The Virginia Way” is an old-fashioned ideal here in the Commonwealth--the notion that our public servants have so much integrity that we don’t need laws to regulate money that goes into the political process. As a result, we have almost no campaign finance regulation--a fact that's been exploited by aristocrats and corporations for decades, if not centuries.

In this episode, we sit down with state Delegate Sally Hudson and author Jeff Thomas ("The Virginia Way: Democracy and Power after 2016") to discuss the history of the Virginia Way and how the culture of Richmond might be changing in a new era.

This is a reprise of an episode that originally aired in July 2020.

WTJU Radio

WTJU is a non-commercial radio station founded in 1955 focused on airing music from across genres (Folk&World, Jazz&Blues, Classical, Rock) and curated by local music lovers.


Episode 43: Where did Virginia's constitution come from?


Episode 41: Four Years Later, How Has “Unite The Right” Changed Virginia Politics?