91 - What does local climate policy look like?

In the face of ever-worsening climate change, it takes more than paper straws and recycling to make a dent in our carbon emissions--it takes policy on a national, state, and local scale. So what does local climate action look like? How do cities and counties set policy in the realm of housing, transportation, and energy to reduce carbon emissions and prepare their communities for a changing climate?

To answer that question, we talked to Bill Eger, Chief Climate Policy Officer for Arlington County, Virginia. He leads Arlington’s Office of Climate Coordination and Policy, whose mission is to "amplify, coordinate, and add capacity to the County’s ongoing responses to the climate crisis."

WTJU Radio

WTJU is a non-commercial radio station founded in 1955 focused on airing music from across genres (Folk&World, Jazz&Blues, Classical, Rock) and curated by local music lovers.


92 - Food assistance is confusing! This episode can help


Episode 90: What's the legacy of the Byrd Machine in Virginia?